A tale of hopes betrayed - an exposé of political folly and ineptitude in education now takes in the 2008 Credit Crunch with more startling revelations. And it points a way forward.
Death of a Nightingale is a provocative play within a book. It is like a matryoshka doll. It tells a human story with a challenging interplay of fact, fiction, satire and commentary . It brings to life dry-as-dust issues important in education and, maybe, even more important beyond it. Which is the wiser mantra in education – Equality or Equity? How far does declaring a “Right” provide the protection of “a Right”? Is this generation properly mindful of the legacy it is bequeathing?
“Compelling, controversial and confrontational” Len Parkin The Teacher
“A searing tale of a fight to save SEN school which drove head teacher to brink of suicide”
Kerra Maddern, Times Educational Supplement
Death Of A Nightingale - Now Brought To The Stage. A Play Whose Time Has Come!
A wonderful night, very moving — I learned about another world, which can be as cruel & cynical & as warm-hearted & surprising as my own. Don't miss it, esp. if you're a human being.