THE DOSSIER – Part 1 Executive Summary

three monkeys

In April 2013 the Newcastle City Council published Newcastle Fit for Cycling – Cycle City Ambition bid, “By year 10 we would anticipate approximately 12% cycle mode share for trips under 5 miles.” In an undated publication Delivering Cycling Improvements in Newcastle – a ten year strategy 2011-22, Newcastle City Council asserted The overarching aim is to develop a cycling culture where 20% of all trips under five miles are undertaken by cycle by 2021. It went on to say “This will be achieved by drawing up a list of ‘join up’ routes that are at present partially or completely isolated. Research by Sustrans (a National Cycling Charity) has shown that the most successfully spent money has been that on urban cycle paths.This is their hidden agenda.

The narrow 1.5m cycle lanes they are introducing on busy main roads are a death trap for cyclists, and they add to, they do not reduce congestion. Cyclists do not cycle in single file. <Serious and fatal injuries to cyclists up 8% last year.>

The Local Government Ombudsman, Dr. Jane Martin, presides over an organisation that is a charade, a perversion of democracy, and a gigantic con trick on the public. It claims to “take full account of what people tell us” and that its “investigations and assessments are impartial and we make clear, evidence based decisions.” And “We examine complaints without taking sides.” All of that is a lie.

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